Mr Justice Fancourt ‘Fanny-the-Court’ in action

Mr Justice Fancourt ‘Fanny-the-Court’ in action

Our explosive documentary puts those cards on the table, and its Mr Justice Fancourt (No. 10 of 21), and he’s been living up to, ‘FANNY-THE-COURT‘. His alleged conspirator, ‘MILES-OUT‘ , Mr Justice Miles (No. 11 of 21), has been doing likewise, just miles outside law!

Two cards, 10 and 11 at the table and, BLACKJACK, but these two won’t split.

FANNY-THE-COURT and MILES-OUT refused the claimant the right to be heard, preventing a trial for untried fraud, and concealed criminality, on the basis of a restraint order that does not exist.

We’re not talking pussy, in the ‘Fanny’ but eloquent British slang defined as ‘mess around and waste time’, “they were fannying about in the street

It’s ironic that the man we allege to have done it, is abbreviated to just that. Still, it’s more often logic before law that puts these things to bed.

On 23 January 2024 FANNY-THE-COURT acted knowingly in conflict as judge of his own cause, his aim was to conceal evidence and material facts to prevent justice bring served on the Tory politician’s Club, and the Official Receiver of London who they, and their lawyers conspired with.

Between November 2020 and now, FANNY-THE-COURT, and MILES-OUT, are alleged to have colluded with the Government Legal Department (“GLD“), their instructed counsel, Tom Shepherd of 4KBW Chambers, to conceal a conspiracy to defraud creditors and serious originating criminal offences proven committed by Anthony Hannon, the Official Receiver of London.

Hannon was installed as liquidator, to defraud Millinder of over £10 million in dividends that the scheme of law in Rule 14.25 of the Insolvency Rules 2016 intended be paid to him.

Our epic 23 minute documentary exposing what they prevented from being aired in court on 23 Jan 2024

The Tory crime family and their actors of the judiciary, Insolvency Service, Cabinet Office, police and all regulatory authorities covered up. Systemic corruption in action.

Mr Justice Miles, AKA Robert John Miles, a purported High Court Judge revealed in Operation Blackjack's investigation to be 'MILES-OUT'
(Mr Justice) Robert John Miles – Alleged to have been acting non-judicially & ‘miles out of jurisdiction’

There’s no independence, neither of courts and judges, nor police.


Acting outside jurisdiction, MILES-OUT, Mr Justice Miles, came back into the case of which THEY WERE BOTH knowingly conflicted, violating the rule on no bias, nemo judex in causa sua (no one shall be judge of his own cause.

The dastardly duo of judicial transgressors, Number 10 & 11 of the 21 Cards of Injustice did a splendid job of revealing the face behind their pack, in the open court last week.

They prevented the claimant from being heard, to conceal the lies, fraud and corruption, so, in the interests of OPEN JUSTICE, we show you, the people, FANNY-THE-COURT and MILES-OUT in action, by presenting the Claimant’s submissions, and witness evidence, the transgressors prevented, on a recorded video.

A must watch for everyone interested in the law and constitution, and what has gone so terribly wrong with what was once, ‘Great’ Britain.

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1 Comment

  • Jason Bird February 22, 2024

    This is splendid I am signed up following with interest this is what could bring down the British corrupt establishment.

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