Major City of London Police corruption cover up

Major City of London Police corruption cover up

Op Blackjack’ – The City of London Police corruption cover up: Living up to our name, we reveal the cards, the truth behind the games, and the players driving the systemic corruption machine swallowing up law and democracy wholesale.

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It is political interference with courts and law enforcement, resulting in inter-agency cover ups on the cards that keeps the corruption machine running strong.

‘Op Blackjack’ has intelligence and aces up our sleeve, we show our hand, like nobody ever has. Cards on the table, we come up trumps.

It’s not known as ‘Londongrad‘ or the ‘economic crime capital of the world’ for nothing.

City of London Police is the smallest force in the UK, responsible for policing the Square Mile in the heart of the City of London financial district where the Rolls Building, the City Court House double dealing judges do their stuff.

To justify its existence the Force is allocated as national lead on fraud, its offshoot is Action Fraud (non-action fraud). They are brilliant at failing to combat or investigate economic crime and corruption, so its victims face further anguish and injustice through their incompetence.

City of London Police go much further than just sheer failure in duty, and revealing their hand, we show the true face of the force.

Operation Blackjack - City of London Police corruption:

Police Foundation definition of the purpose of the police service in England & Wales.
The Police Foundation tells us the primary purpose of the police service, including City of London

Now we reveal City of London Police in action covering up serious crime:

The call between Inspector Ian Younger with Mr Millinder on 7 November 2019 – Crimes of the type he reported don’t count, apparently.

City of London Police, Inspector Ian Younger, a fraud detective, paid by the taxpayer to investigate and prevent crimes against you, is telling us that there’s no obligation on them to perform on their primary function.

Justice, subject to status – Not what you know, but who you know:

In his letter dated 16 November 2021, 2-years and 9-days later (below), City of London Police and Younger was defending for the offenders, the Tory home team in a different way.

Absolute contradictions

On 7 November 2019, during that call, Younger admitted there were crimes, but that the crimes of the type Millinder was reporting, did not matter.

In other words, Younger and City of London Police defeated the criminal law itself they purport to administer, as well as equality.

It wasn’t just the police who were got at, the kleptocracy of judges were all in on it from the top down.

Whilst Chancellor of the High Court, in his 8 February 2019 judgment, paragraph 103, Sir Geoffrey Vos, now Master of the Rolls, and head of civil justice, lied:

'Op Blackjack' - Paragraph 103 of the judgment by Sir Geoffrey Vos dated 8 February 2019.

The truth behind the double dealing revealed, our latest exposes real evidence that the Official Receiver has committed fraud and other criminal offences under the Insolvency Act 1986, proving that Vos is a liar and a cheat.

Sir Geoffrey Vos - Master of the Rolls - Head of civil justice for England & Wales
No. 21 – Sir Geoffrey Vos – Master of the Rolls & head of civil justice for England & Wales who was then Chancellor of the High Court when he made that statement in Court against Millinder on 22 January 2019

A court of civil and criminal justice was perverted, not by a member of the public, but by the City of London Police and the cabal of judges and Law Ministers themselves. They were all playing for Tory team Boro.

Younger was relying on lies told by Sir Geoffrey Vos, No. 21 of The 21 Cards of Injustice, to cover up and fail to investigate, what has been covered up and never investigated.

Political interference prevails, the tentacles of the .Gov kleptocracy are spread across the constitutional separation gaps between courts and law enforcement, designed to protect the people from tyranny. 

We exhibit below Younger’s letter closing the investigation that never started for the second time:

Inspector Ian Younger's letter to Mr Millinder (page 2) dated 16 November 2021. 

Inspector Younger of City of London Police was the gate keeper, there to cover up and ensure that justice was prevented.
Inspector Younger’s letter dated 16 November 2021 shutting Millinder out of City of London Police to conceal judicial fraud and corruption.

On 20 March 2017 Millinder reported Womble Bond Dickinson solicitors in Newcastle, who were acting for Tory Boro, to Northumbria Police for an alleged third count of fraud by false representation, the claim against Empowering Wind MFC Ltd (“EW”) in the sum of £4,111,874.75 originating from the Club’s alleged blackmail.

We took a screenshot of the letter, dated 20 December 2017 from Acting Detective Inspector Peter Morgan of Northumbria Police who purported to investigate the allegation since 20 March 2017.

'Op Blackjack' - Letter from DS Peter Morgan of Northumbria Police dated 20 December 2017
The 20 December 2017 letter closing down the investigation by Northumbria Police to prevent justice being served on the Tory home team and their cohorts

Uncoincidentally, that letter disposing of the investigation as it’s ‘not a new head of fraud‘ came in exactly a day prior to No. 3 of 21, Registrar Jones being installed into the civil court.

Jones, coming in early doors playing out his game under orders, but without rules, defended, keeping the the ball in the Club’s court, and scoring goals offside!

City of London Police and Northumbria pushed Millinder to civil courts, but the issues were criminal. It was all coming from the top, police must have known that the 21 Cards of Injustice were the independent referees turned strikers for Boro’.

Playing at the at the bottom of the league, and with no defence, what choice did they have?

Northumbria Police lawyers, who are likely connected with the lawyers at Womble Bond Dickinson, are not saying that the £4.1 million claim was not fraud.

Similarly, Younger was not saying there was not crime, but that the crimes of the type Millinder reported do not matter to them. All crimes matter, but that was his excuse. A deliberate failure to exercise proper duties.

After having claimed the sum of £256,269.89 against Empowering in August 2016, then having attended court to defend the Club’s claim for £4,111,874.45, in his skeleton argument dated 12 November 2018, Staunton, counsel for them said this:

City of London Police corruption - 'Op Blackjack' - Paragraph 37 of Ulick Staunton's skeleton argument for MFC dated 12 November 2018
Ulick Staunton’s skeleton argument for MFC dated 12 November 2018 confirmed they did not bring the claims, when they brought claims in varying sums ranging from £256,269.89 to c£4.1 million.

Later in the saga, Acting Detective Inspector Hull of Northumbria Police, who were in on the cover up, wrote to Millinder, we took a screenshot of that letter, dated 15 March 2019

'Op Blackjack' - Letter from Detective Inspector Hull of Northumbria Police dated 15 March 2019
The letter from Northumbria Police dated 15 March 2019 did not say there was not fraud or criminality either. On the contrary, just that offences were committed outside their police area, was not a matter of Northumbria.

Knowing that law intended that the purported claim the BLACKMAIL by MFC, was to have been set off prior to making the insolvency order against TEAM WIND, Vos negated a singular mention of the mandatory scheme of law in rule 14.25 of the Insolvency Rules 2016, which intended that MFC’s fictitious claims were to have been set off.

They just bypass and avoid the law, evidence and everything that doesn’t suit them. Bypassing the rules of the game is misdealing, is it not?

Failing to administer the law and dishonestly depriving a person of a statutory right to make a gain and to cause loss is fraud, and so is criminal fraud by false representation.

It becomes clear that not only City of London, but also Cleveland and Northumbria police forces were all in on the game, playing alongside 21 Cards of Injustice.

Police, and all public authorities, including courts and tribunals, are required to treat all people equally when applying the law, and the laws must provide equal protection for everyone.  

The rights granted to everyone under the laws of the land are at stake. It’s not the laws at fault, English law is the most comprehensive in the world, designed to protect the people from tyranny.

It’s the tyranny of the administration who need to be taken out. This is a game of your rights, an affront to civil and criminal law itself.  

Welcome to justice seen not to be done, you’ll see plenty of it in our site, but only with the real evidence to prove it.

City of London Police corruption exposed in 'Op Blackjack' and The 21 Cards of Injustice.  

City of London Police have been concealing the foul play by those cards.
Left: Sacked former Lord Chancellor & Secretary of State for Justice, Dominic Raab, and right; Rishi Sunak leader of the current kleptocratic government
'Op Blackjack' - Exposing City of London Police corruption.

Where is that "accountability at every level of government" that Sunak pledged the people?  Another lie? 

City of London Police included in the accountability are they?

Accountability he says. Bollocks, we say.

'Op Blackjack' - City of London Police - 

Here's the oath that every police constable in England and Wales must take and be at all times in compliance with.
Inspector Ian Younger of City of London Police
Inspector Ian Younger watching over the City to make sure his brethren are above the law at all times?

You will all note that Inspector Younger acknowledged that the order deployed by the Attorney General’s Office, the ‘Law Ministers’, against Millinder to conceal the criminality after he was defrauded of his rights, ‘did not extend to reporting criminal matters.

Younger knew, or ought to have known that the restraint order was deployed to conceal those offences, and obviously any police officer would have known that was illegal, but they covered that up also.

Over two years later, with much more evidence of corruption in hand…

On 14 October 2023 Millinder reported the offences of perverting the course of justice alleged to have been committed by judges featured in The 21 Cards of Injustice, all 21 of them.

Millinder was advised to do so by Officer collar No. 911, an experienced long term officer at City of London Police who knows Commander Paul Betts personally.

Operation Blackjack - Recording of collar number 911 of City of London Police on 17 October 2023.
Getting it on tape for the record

On 17 October 2023, Millinder called the Force, and this time, during that call, again with Officer 911, he was given a crime reference number. The call was recorded and it was transcribed:

Officer 911:Ok so one of the sergeants. One of the crime sergeants had reviewed your complaint and has closed the complaint

Mr Millinder: See, this is what they do”

Officer 911: Urrr, it appears there is an issue regarding the outcome of a court case. From the Law Society urr, you were found guilty on 3 counts of contempt of court and sentenced to 15 months in prison, urr, this was over a dispute from 2012 regarding a contract urr with Middlesbrough Football Club

Mr Millinder: (Angry tone) “What’s that got to do with perverting?

On 7 November 2019, Younger said that the type of crimes Millinder was reporting did not fall into the category of those that City of London Police investigate (a lie).

Two-years later, On 16 November 2021, Inspector Younger is stating that the civil restraint order did not extend to reporting criminal matters.

Less than two years after that, on 17 October 2023, DS Kevin Blower of City of London Police backed the restraint order in the same way as The 21 Cards of Injustice did.

Blower closed the crime report that was never opened, concealing evidence of fraud and corruption, under the guise of the outside of jurisdiction restraint order that Younger said did not prohibit police from acting on crime.

Millinder’s call with Officer 911 ended in this way (from the transcript):

Officer 911: I am telling you. I am now telling you, if you are not happy with that decision, you now need to make a complaint”

Mr Millinder: “And I’m telling you I’m going to prosecute them all”.

Officer 911:And you can do that via the City of London Police website.”

Mr Millinder: No no no no. (Angry) I want his collar number. You have a duty to give me his collar number, I want his collar number, coz he’s perverted the course of justice and I want his collar number“.

Officer 911: “How has he perverted the course of justice?”

Mr Millinder: Because he’s closed down an investigation without even looking at it. Civil contempt isn’t a criminal offence, right. I haven’t committed any offence (overspeaking) the order is a nullity”.

Officer 911: “Sir, it’s DS Blower. Ok?

Mr Millinder: “Blower? What like blows hot air is it?

Officer 911:As in blows hot air, yeah.”

Mr Millinder:Yeah, as in hot air, lots of it. Ok, that’s it, thanks a lot we will deal. Thanks a lot, bye bye“.

So, collar number 911 was trying to push Millinder back to Younger, inciting a complaint via Professional Standards, so he can investigate himself and find no wrongdoing.

DS Kevin Blower's work kind of lives up to the name - if you are with us?
The Kevin in action – Crimes blown away – not just swept under the carpet!

DS Kevin Blower was living up to his name, blowing the investigation and TEAM WIND away.

Blower was blowing hot air, for he had no jurisdiction to dispose of an investigation on the same day the victim was given the crime reference, without even looking at it. That’s not playing by the rules of the game now is it?

An absolute contradiction against the 11/21 statement by a stronger wind, Inspector Younger:

“It is acknowledged that the s.42 order does not extend to reporting criminal matters”

Inspector Ian Younger City of London Police – 16 November 2021

Blower doubled down, blowing hard against justice, defeating the ends of it to prevent the perpetrators from being prosecuted for indictable only offences.

Is it a coincidence that they all relied on the without jurisdiction restraint order made on the precis of a lie, that there was no fraud and criminality, when the fraud and criminality is so prolific?

This goes back to the beautiful game, keeping the ball in the Tory Teesside team’s court at all times, making up for what they lack on the pitch. Neither civil or criminal rules ever come into their games.

'Op Blackjack' - Steve Gibson OBE the corrupt actor Tory politician and owner of Middlesbrough FC.

Player of the 21 cards?
Left: “Mr Teesside” Steve Gibson OBE, the Tory politician and Chairman of Boro FC. He wouldn’t have been a big help from his prison cell, so they all fell into line.

If your game’s that good, there’s no need for a referee, The law cannot be diminished, and the evidence does not deceive.

Perverting the course of public justice is a serious criminal offence

A course of public justice can be either civil or criminal. So, when Inspector Younger and then the aptly named DC Blower, sought to blow the investigation away by stating “it relates to civil proceedings”, there was both a civil and a criminal course of justice that was perverted.

Perverting the course of public justice. The Crown Prosecution Service definition.  City of London Police.
That’s what the CPS say about perverting the course of public justice

Laws of England are in place to ensure that police and law enforcement behave in a constitutionally proper way. Doe it happen?

Not only are the whole house of cards are going down, but their aiders and abettors, the gamers in the background playing the cards to ensure their true faces were not revealed, are all going with them.

City of London Police - The offence of corrupt / improper exercise of police powers / privileges.
The offence is committed when any officer (of any rank) corruptly fails in duty like this lot have.

What use is a police officer who refuses to act on crime? As much use as a chocolate fireguard?

What use are laws that are not administered due to the corrupt administration?

We’ve invited the City of London Corporation, the Lady Chief Justice, the Lord Chancellor, the City of London Police Chief Officer Team, Northumbria Police Chief Officer Team, the Insolvency Service and the Home Office to comment on this release. We will post their comments in the follow up.

Be sure to get your copy of The 21 Cards of Injustice trilogy today, there’s only one of these worldwide, it exposes the double dealing in ways unprecedented. 50% of our sales go to the victims of this state terrorism and fraud.

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